The First Look from "Voyage"

Hi guys, this is the first look from my collection New "Voyage", this look present an american girl in vacancy in Paris for a SPRING A-list party, so it's a spring look that translate from the plane directly to the party.
I hope u like it.

First, this is the dress:
    *Front view:

    *Both sides of the dress:

    *Back side:

Second is the hair and make-up:

Then we add these classy shoes:

And we finish the look with a bag and a bracelet:

I hope u enjoyed this look, wait for more "Voyage" looks.
Plz comment, thank u, xo xo

2 commentaires:

  1. I L-O-V-E this one! The colours are just wonderful! And the hair, make-up and all the outfits much very well! I'm going to Paris, can I have this? :p

    1. sure u can have it , and have anythink u want , rak habibi hhh xo
